
A few of our sources

We also like to use official state road maps
from the (Brendan) Byrnian era.
It's good to know where I-287 was
intended to go but didn't. 
Exploring the state is only half the fun. When we get back from our travels, there's often research to be done. These are a few of the books we have on hand to get to some of the history, facts and figures we present in Hidden New Jersey:

The WPA Guide to 1930s New Jersey - Reprinted by Rutgers University Press in the 1980s, this guide is invaluable in helping us understand what's not around anymore, and the history of what is.

The Encyclopedia of New Jersey - This hefty volume offers historical information about virtually anything New Jersey, written by the people among the closest to each topic. 

Mapping New Jersey - It's more than just maps! In addition to reproductions of some of the oldest maps of the region, this coffee-table-book sized resource provides graphic representations of some fascinating facts about the state's people, nature, industry and politics, just to name a few.  

New Jersey: A Military History -- Simply put, what author Joe Bilby doesn't know about our state's fighting forces isn't worth knowing. This volume is exactly what the title says, tracing military actions in both peacetime and war from the time of European settlement on to the 21st century. 

A Guide to Bird Finding in New Jersey -- Exactly what the title says it is, Bill Boyle's manual presents a litany of great birding habitats in New Jersey, including the prevalent species and directions on how to get there.